Sunday, May 11, 2008

wonderful occurrence

When I was young, I had a severe allergy to mosquitoes. Strange, I know. The allergy is still there, however I have a little more will power to avoid scratching than I did at seven. I remember when it first started I was miserable. There was no distraction worthy enough to get me to avoid scratching. I inevitably always made it worse for myself.

It wasn't until the day I discovered writing that I was finally able to overcome the pain. It was a delivered blessing. God used a terrible occurrence to draw out my passion for words. The writing started slowly, cheesy poems about flowers and trees. I was young and in my mind they were masterpieces. I would sit and write for hours, and somehow the allergic reactions started to bother me less and less.

As the years went on I became allergic to more and more random things, but just the same I became more and more invested in writing. I wrote short stories and longer poems that had much more to do with life than just flowers and the oak tree outside my window (though it was a beautiful tree).

It's been almost fifteen years since then and I am blessed to remember the moment that I was captivated by fiction. Just as I can remember the moment I gave my heart and my life to the Lord. Even in all the years of writing I rarely share my words with others. I have kept them hidden and locked away for a long time, the feeling of vulnerability enough to make me tuck them away in a dark corner. Yet time has slowly weakened my resolve and I have felt that the Lord gave me this passion for a reason.

So, for the past year I have been a part of a forum that houses authors like me, who simply want to write for the love of writing. I have been tempted to post stories time and time again, but I always manage to talk myself out of it. I'm good at that. But today, I felt a little more confident than I have before and so for the first time I published a story for others to critique and review. A public forum that hopefully will give me an equal balance of constructive criticism and confidence to move forward.

It was a big day for me. A wonderful occurrence that I actually pushed "publish."

We'll see what the next few weeks bring. As for now, I feel pretty good.


1 comment:

Wes Van Fleet said...

Do your thing girl. Don't let the devil trick you into thinking negatively about yourself. You will be great in this life Mo! Praise Jesus and grace upon you.